December 27, 2012

Bend (Joseph) - Brandon Heath

Even though this has Spanish subtitles, the song is in English and the words are amazing.
From the story of Joseph, in the Bible, "Bend", recounts a beautiful truth.  We are much
more than our family tree...and we can never be broken off from it either.  We just "Bend". 
Just like Joseph, we adoptees were miles from our roots, but
through mercy we survived.  For a purpose.  Love this song. 

December 11, 2012

Never Let Go...

My son was born weighing 1 pound 4 ounces...the same size as the preemie featured in this story. There are no words to describe what we went through.  Yet as I look back over this almost eight year journey, I can see God's grace being poured out in miraculous ways.  More than can be counted.

Their entire story can be read here...worth the read.